2. Import Leads/Contacts in bulk
The second scenario regarding solving problems (1, 3, 4) is about import. For many people, this might be their very first experience with using Base. To better help us explore ideas and drive decision making, we defined following principles for building an optimal import experience:
As one of the current experiences within Settings, before jumping right into designing import, I first analyzed its relationships with the overall Settings experience and other individual experiences in Settings.
What I found was Import is a very focused and standalone experience, which doesn’t rely much on referencing other experiences. Besides Settings, other places like Global Add can also be a potential entry point for Import.
Based on this understanding, I started to explore different layouts of Import. The final version not only established a universal pattern for Import, but also envisioned a new Settings experience.
One of the steps during an import is about mapping data from the import file to the correct fields in Base.
Since the person who is dong the import may not be the same person who configured deduplication strategy in Settings, it is very import to give full clarity on what are the key fields used for deduplication in this step.
This is another step during an import. I proposed two options:
Option 1
Option 2
Base on several rounds of internal discussions and testings with actual users, we chose Option 1 as the final version for the following reasons:
Even though the intention of Option 2 was to provide a smoother import experience by removing clusters of options, what we found during testings was people always click on a dropdown to see what are the available options to make sure they selected the correct one, which actually made the experience more cumbersome.
The purpose of each import may differ, so it is unrealistic to set proper defaults to really ensure a smooth experience.
Option 1 better expressed the principles that we defined in the very beginning.